Site icon Taiwan Multimedia Creative Teaching Association 喬治‧盧卡斯的教育理想國

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Edutopia.org是由The George Lucas Educational Foundation(喬治‧盧卡斯教育基金會)所設立的網站,在台灣被翻譯為「教育理想國」。Edutopia.org的宗旨是利用媒體、科技、創意教學等方法改善現有的教育環境和學習方式,並且在網站上分享來自全球(美國居多)的優秀教案,透過影片、照片、文字敘述等方式,將各個成功的實際教學經驗分享給需要的人。



簡介:Get tips, support, and advice for leading your school toward effective 21st-century learning practices.

簡介:Move past high-stakes testing and expand your understanding about the different types of effective assessment.

項目:Brain-Based Learning
簡介:Understand how the brain works and how educators and parents can improve the learning process.

項目:Education Trends
簡介:Get insight from educators on the latest ideas and innovations changing the way students learn

項目:Five-Minute Film Festival
簡介:Edutopia’s VideoAmy curates themed playlists of YouTube videos for educators and students.

項目:Game-Based Learning
簡介:Get tips, techniques, and tools that apply the principles of game design to the learning process — engaging kids and helping educators assess learning.

項目:New-Teacher Support
簡介:Find advice, resources, and strategies to support new teachers and help them improve their craft.

項目:Parent Partnership
簡介:Parents, start here to find resources to help you engage productively with your kids’ teachers and school.

項目:Project-Based Learning
簡介:Get tips and advice for teaching core subject matter with meaningful activities that examine complex, real-world issues.

項目:Social and Emotional Learning
簡介:Find out how you can develop or support learning that teaches collaboration, communication, and conflict-resolution skills.

項目:Student Engagement
簡介:Get advice from educators on how to build a positive climate for learning, improve student curiosity, and enhance classroom collaboration.

項目:Teacher Leadership
簡介:Get support and guidance from change makers who are organizing and implementing real improvements to our educational system.

項目:Technology Integration
簡介:Discover fresh ideas for using technology in the classroom and at home to improve learning, encourage collaboration, and increase student engagement.


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